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Posts by category
- Hidden Gems
- Did you know…that in June 2021 Massa Marittima hosted the 1000 Miglia?
- Did you know that… the first fossil of a Miocene monkey was found in the Montebamboli mines?
- Did you know… that one of the first “Mining Codes”in Europe was drafted in Massa Marittima?
- Did you know… that the renowned Igor Mitoraj exhibited his works in Massa Marittima and is an honorary citizen of the town?
- did you know that….Santa Madre Teresa di Calcutta spoke to the people of Massa Marittima from San Cerbone’s Cathedral churchyard?
- Did you know that… San Bernardino of Siena was born in Massa Marittima?
- Shopping
- Typical Products
- Scheduled events
- 05/07/25 “Massa Diebus” – Festival Medieval Fantasy e Cosplay
- 6-7/09/2025 – Massa Tenebris – Victorian Gothic Steampunk event – Ex Convento Clarisse
- 11/10/25 – Finale of the WES UCI E-MTB XC World Cup
- Minerals and fossils exhibition – Every year
- Regular events schedule
- 09-10 e 11/12/2022 – 4° Edition of “Docudonna” – Internazional Documentary Festival for female filmmakers – Palazzo dell’Abbondanza
- MTB-Tour – “Olio e Vigneti” – Jeden Mittwoch im Juni – 09:00 Uhr
- From 08 Dicember – Christmas Time begins – Every year
- 31 October “Halloween” – Every year
- Cena Prebalestro – Dinner with the “Terzieri”- Every year
- 10 August: Calici di Stelle (wine & stars) – Every year
- Opera – Every year
- Balestro del Girifalco – Twice a year
- 1 September – Fair of Ghirlanda – Every year
- Madonna del Canale in Prata – Every 3 years
- 10/10 15-18h Celebrations for Saint Cerbone, the Patron of Massa Marittima – Every year
- Hospitality
- Events
- Experiences
- 30/03 – 6/04/24 Corso di Mosaico – Tenuta il Cicalino
- Guided wine testing at Morisfarms – From Monday to Saturday – On request
- Artisan workshop at “Carta Marittima” – Via Moncini, 24 – On demand
- Besichtigung und Verkostung der Oelmuehle Stanghellini
- Visit and Tasting of olive oil in Frantoio Stanghellini
- Marie Therese’s treasures- “Collection of minerals, rocks and fossils” – Visits on request
- From April to September Visit the” Piccola Fattoria” with snack or dinner – Valpiana – Every day on demand
- Wine testing at Podere La Pace
- Wine Tasting at “Azienda Agricola Valentini”
- From June 22nd to September 7th “Walk with Donkeys” – every saturday in Prata
- Culture and tradition
- Family
- Gastronomy
- Sport and Outdoor
- Hamlets
- Museums
- Massa Marittima
- I Vicoli – The charming alleys
- the City Walls
- The “Poggio” Park
- The Bishop’s Residence
- Bufalona Springs
- the Mint building
- Clarisse Covent
- Remembrance Park
- “Sol omnibus lucet” Garden
- The Armory
- Former Church of San Pietro all’Orto
- The “Chandelier” Tower and the Sienese Fortress
- Former Curch of San Rocco
- Former Church of San Michele
- Albizzeschi Palace
- Il Palazzo del Podestà (the Lord’s Residence)
- San Francesco Church
- Pannocchieschi Palace
- Malfatti Palace
- Biserno’s Palace
- the Council Building
- The old Fountain and il Palazzo dell’Abbondanza
- Cathedral of San Cerbone
- Piazza Garibaldi
- I Monumenti
- Territory