It was built in 1835 to replace the pre-existing Church in San Lorenzo previously demolished. It is made of travertine in Neo-renaissance style with its squared […]
This fourteenth-century building, located at the top of Corso della Libertà, is the birthplace of Bernardino degli Albizzeschi, also known as San Bernardino from Siena. He […]
Once you cross Piazza Garibaldi, keeping the cathedral behind you, you will walk through Corso della Libertà. Here, on the left side you will find this […]
This impressive structure faces the Council Building and was built in the XIII century. Its most interesting trait is the wide balcony bounded on two […]
The building was built in the XIII century and stands next to the Lord’s Residence, in Piazza Garibaldi. It was originally a civilian residence owned by […]
The building consists of three pointed archesas as well as many basins, once containing water. The structure had two main functions: it was used as […]
The building used to be the Convent of San Pietro all’Orto, in Cittanuova, next to Sant’Agostino Church. The museum hosts pieces of art such as sculptures, […]
It is one of the most beautiful squares in Tuscany. This wonderful medieval star-shaped square is called Piazza Garibaldi, a sort of open-air theatre surrounded by […]
This imposing tower and its sienese Fortress stand in the upper part of the medieval city centre, called Cittanuova. The tower was built in 1228 by […]
It is inside the medieval Lord’s Residence, in Piazza Garibaldi. The museum is organized in two main sections. The prehistorical one on the ground floor shows […]
The village is located between Massa Marittima and Follonica, around 10km from the seaside. Its history is linked to the steel industry: the first plant was […]
It is at about 3km south of Massa Marittima, following directions to Accesa Lake. It is a typical mining village, developed during the first half of […]
The village, mentioned already in the IX century in Lucca’s Bishopric documents, also appears among the possessions of the powerful Abbey Sestinga. The castle was then bought in […]
The Castle of Prata appears for the first time in a document in 1155, when Federico Barbarossa renewed the right of property to a local nobleman. Around […]
Gastronomy is one of the main elements characterizing the region: the cuisine is simple and rooted in tradition, boasting strong yet honest flavors. For this reason […]
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